Officer Installation May 21, 2024 for the Pilot year 2024 - 2025

Great Bend Pilot Club Board - Seated: Marty Aldrich (treasurer), Betty Schneider (president), Joyce Beadles-Fry (president elect), Chris Rippel (vice-president), Ros Neeland (secretary), Back: Nancy Sundahl (corresponding secretary), Judy Fox (director), Jari Marietta (director), Barbara Watson (director), Marcia Johnson (director), and Daniel Watson (past president).

Pilot Club of Great Bend membership division placed a display at the Great Bend Library on Tuesday March 4, 2025. The tables displace some of our activities. The displacy case on the left has some of our brain minder puppets, on the left table is information on our puppet shows and information on Pilot. On the right table is information on Alzheimer’s, crossword puzzles, and cryptogram sheets about the brain. Great Bend Pilots are known as the hellmet people & a helmet is on display in the right display case. The bicycle will be given away with an appropriate fitting helmet on March 14, 2025.

Marilyn Kopke was selected as the Ambassador of the Pilot CLub for her dedicated service to Pilot Club over the past 19 years, especially as Fund raising cochair. Marilyn exhibits outstanding dedication to Pilot Club by her generosity of time, talent and willingness to serve.Barbara Watson representing PIFF presented a plaque and kitted prayer shawl to Marilyn which was knitted by Betty Schneider.


5th Annual Heartland District Convention - Hilton Garden Inn - Bartlesville, Ok - April 19-21, 2024

Great Bend Pilot members who attended the convention are: Betty Schneider, Renee Johnson, Rhonda Knudson, Marty Schloemer, Ros Neeland and seated: Marcia Johnson

Pilot Club Members: Vicki Richardson and Linn Hogg-honored as Unsung Heroes.

Great Bend Chamber of Commerce recognizes unsung heroes that are nominated by their peers. Great Bend Chamber of Commerce is shining a spotlight on the business and individuals who quietly impact our community. They believe that true heroes don’t wear a cape, but they wear work boots, aprons, scrubs, and t-shirts, dedicating their time and efforts to make Great Bend a better place for us all to live in.

Linn Hogg is in charge of Volunteers in Action of Central Kaansas. She dedicates herself to matching volunteers of all ages with agencies and individuals in need. Linn is involved in community organizations including Pilot Club and LHEAT.

Vicki serves as the Family Engagement Coordinator for the Kansas Children’s Service League, building lasting relationships with families that span a lifetime. She shares her knowledge with various organizations including Central Kansas Partnership, LHEAT, Pilot Club, Rise Up Central Kansas. Youth Crew, and United Way. She volunteers for multiple United Way Laundry Love Programs.

This is the 13th consecutive proclamation signing for Brain Awareness Week this year on March 9-15, 2025. Great Bend Pilot Club wants to bring awareness to people of all ages concerning the issues about brain related diseases, illness and traumatic brain related injuries and prevention. Pilot Club promotes brain awareness by donating helmets to children in the community who ride bikes, skate boards and roller blades. Pictured are: Mary Doherty, Marty Aldrich, Betty Schneider (holding the proclamation signed by Cody Schmidt, mayor), Nancy Schuetz, Joyce Beadles-Fry, Sharon Mauler and Vicki Richardson.

This wheel was designed to be used at a Pilot Club member’s memorial serice. The emblem for Pilot CLub is river boat wheel. The wheel was donated by Sally & John O’Oconnor. Don Schneider fabricated the stand & board to mount the wheel. Betty Schneider painted the pieces & placed the letters, Pilo,t on the board. William King paid for the supplies in honor of his wife, Mary, who was a Pilot member for years.

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Renee Johnson (Great Bend Pilot Club) was governor of Ks-Mo District 2016-2017

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Rhonda Knudson (Great Bend Pilot Club) was the first recipient of the new Lucy B. Allen Award. he award was presented at th PI Conference in Chicage, June 26, 2016. This award recognizes a Pilot who does exemplary job of leading at the Club or District level. Rhonda was nominated by her local club.

Betty Schneider winner of the Pearl Sparks International award.


Currently members meet at noon on the first Tuesday (business meeting) and third Tuesday (program meeting)  of the month for lunch at the Perkins Resturant and Bakery.  Executive Board members meet as needed. Pilot members who cannot come to the noon meetings, meet at 5:15 pm at Perkins on the fifth Tuesdays.

Our Mission:

To improve the quality of life in our community by  influencing  positive change in and around our community and  throughout the world.  

 Our Vision:

To achieve universal awareness and prevention of brain-related disorders and disabilities for all ages

       To achieve this, we: come together in friendship and give people an outlet for service. We provide financial and hands-on-support for national and local initiatives  with Pilot Intertnational’s focus.

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Pilot International's focus:  "Do More, Care More and Be More," by: 

  • Preparing youth and young adults for service

  • Encourage brain safety, health, and fitness

  • Support those who care for others


MEMBERSHIP is responsible for recruiting, reclaiming and retaining members, new member orientation, public relations and participation in community-wide events.

FUND RAISING is responsible for activities that generate funds to finance club operations and projects.

PROJECTS is responsible for activities related  to community service and improvement, safety, education, patriotism, international relations, Pilot International endorsed projects, assistance to the elderly, disabled and those with financial difficulties.

LEADERSHIP is responsible for promoting good leadership and motivation within our pilot club organization, communicate the vision of Pilot Club to new members, share information from Pilot International with club members, and update Policies and Procedures in the club manual.

Heartland District

Great Bend Pilot Club is a member of Heartland District which is comprised of 13 clubs.

Pilot International :

 Great Bend Pilot Club is a member of Pilot International (PI) which is a community - based volunteer service organization founded in 1921 in Macon, Georgia, on the principles of "Friendship and Service".   With more than 7,500 members in 375 Pilot Clubs, Pilots are located in the U.S., the Bahamas, Japan and South Africa. Pilots provide financial and hands-on-support for national and local initiatives. BrainMinders is Pilot Internatioonal’s signature program originally designed in a 2001. PI realized there was a need to teach brain injury prevention to preschoolers, children, youth and seniors, so a presentation was developed. Puppets, stuffed animals and color books were designed to help teach brain safety to children and BRAIN-O bingo was deisgned to teach safety to seniors.


 "True Course Ever"


Green (life and vigor) and Gold (sincerity of purpose)


  A riverboat pilot's wheel with eight spokes - The name "Pilot" was inspired by the mighty riverboat pilots of the 1920's who represented leadership and guidance.

Pilot International Founder’s Fund

ABCs of Pilot Club including Anchor and Compass Clubs are a marketing tool that defines what Pilots do.

Advocating Leadership and Service to Youth and Young Adults - The purpose of Pilot’s service is to be fully committed to the promotion and encouragement of youth development and leadership through the Anchor and Compass Clubs.

Brain Safety and Health - The purpose of Pilot’s service focus is to promote and encourage awareness of brain safety and health and to improve the lives of those affected through education, prevention programs, volunteer activities, financial support, and research.

Caring and Supporting Families in times of Need - Pilot International is an organization that cares. By caring and supporting families in times of need. Pilot International and its members show that WE CARE MORE.

Pilot International Founder’s Fund was established to support the community-based work of Pilot Clubs by helping to under write club efforts to serve in the areas of Preparing Youth for Service, Encouraging Brain Safety and Health and Supporting those who care for others. Pilot International and its local clubs are able to improve the lives of others through education, volunteerism, financial support and research.

The Pilot Club of Great Bend received a matching grant to distribute the signature Pilot helmets to children in our community. Due to the pandemic Pilots took their friendship and outreach outside during the Summer Street Stroll farmer’s market. Be Well