Vicki Richardson helps a young child make a reindeer headband while his mother watches.
Betty Schneider helps a small child decorate his sugar cookie.
GPS Kids Club is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit “At Risk” after school and supplemental care facility for children, ages Kindergarten through 6th grade. GPS is located in Hoisington in the former Barton County Annex Building. Their mission is to provide quality supervised care, in a safe and nurturing environment, during the non-school hours when parents are working. GPS provides a character focused, faith based program, providing daily character lessons, academic enrichment, recreational activities, healthy meals, and snacks.
Pilots enjoyed working with the children and their families at the GPS Christmas celebration and fun day. Games were played, cookies decorated, Christmas headbands and ornaments made and kids played in the bouncy house.
Kathy Davis, ( carved the turkey), Betty Schneider, Mary Cramer, Barbara and Daniel Watson served a delicious dinner consisting of creamed corn, green beans, cheesy potatoes, turkey, ham, and rolls plus delicious Perkins pies donated by Pilot Club mebers.
Vicki Richardson asked for pies for dessert and volunteers to help serve the meal to the clients of Healthy Families and Pilots answered her call for assistance. Healthy bodies make healthy minds.
Rhonda and Daniel and Barbara Watson serve pies at the meal at the Healthy Families celebration.