Mary Cramer, Rhonda Knudson, Betty Schneider, and Jay Knudson (photographer) braved the cold windy day at 7:00 am to set up the Promise garden and place the signs on the grass at Jack Kilby Square.
Promise Garden - Our flowers create a garden of hope. The colorful flower spinners were whirling rapidly due to the wind and caught the attend of passers-by. Purple is the official color of the Alzheimer’s movement and symbolizes a loved one lost to the disease. Orange represents support for the cause. Yellow denoted a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Blue indicated someone living with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Forget-me-nots are the official flower of the Alzheimer’s Society and they gently remind us to never forget those who have been lost to this disease.
Due to Covid-19, the Walk to End Alzheimer’s was different this year. We were not able to gather in a large group to walk, but people were encouraged to walk everywhere - on city sidewalks, hiking trails, neighborhoods and treadmills. Pilots braved the cold windy day & placed signs with information about Alzheimer’s, current sponsors, including Pilot Club, and the Promise Garden on the southwest corner of Jack Kilby Square on October 17, 2020. They watched the opening ceremony virtually on Rhonda’s computer.
This was the start of the signs with information about Alzheimer’s.
Ruthann Friedman joined Mary Cramer, Betty Schneider and Rhonda Knudson (photographer) for the virtual opening ceremony. They are pointing to the sign which shows Pilot as a major sponsor for the Alzheimer’s sign. Each one of the girls had on an Alzheimer’s shirt from a different year. Last year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s encouraged Ruthann to join Pilot Club. Vicki Richardson joined the girls to remove the signs & Promise Garden.